Monday, June 19, 2006

Who are you?

We sat down to work out who I was.

A Voice From the Past said: 'Ski Racer!'

Nah, won't do. That was way too long ago. Besides, now you have metal screws in your knee and have not raced for nearly 3 years. Sure you love to ski, but you are no longer a ski racer.

'Can I be a Scientist?' Nerd said.

Nope, you are no longer working in the lab - remember? Yeah sure, you keep reading all sorts of science papers but you are not doing research. I can see though why you'd like to call yourself a scientist - you just love being a smart ass!

'Can I be a Med Student - pleaaseee...' Nerd tried again.

Hmm - that's a hard one. Technically you are and you have heaps of textbooks that say that you are but you are not doing quite enough work to be a good Med Student. You just have to admit that you've been too distracted.

'All right, all right.... So what do you think I am?' the Lost One pined.

Let's see... Those science papers you keep reading, they are all fertility related - are they not? You have not been particularly interested in heart and lung stuff but you know your endocrinology pretty well. You are glued to your computer it's almost like you live in cyber space - fertility related cyber space, that is. For you it is not Monday or Tuesday; it is 'Day 18', 'Day 19', 'Scan Day' or 'Trigger Day'. Now, I'd say you are Infertile Woman.

'Oh, come on! Surely I am a bit more than just that!'

That's it for now. We'll re-assess this in a few months time.

'That's not fair! That's too long!'

Well, you'll just have to learn to be patient.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger ColourYourWorld said...

Welcome to Fertlity Related Cyber- Space . Where we speak your language and you can speak freely about infertlty and find all the support you need. You may on the odd occasion come across an Alien but if you leave them alone they will tend to leave you alone. ;)

You ARE more than just an infertile woman, it's just some days it doesn't feel that way.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger ColourYourWorld said...

Hi Snowwhite, you have been tagged.
Have a look at my blog to see what you need to do :) Have fun, it way help the wait pass a bit faster and give you a break from moving boxes. :)


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